In my dream you do things that make the walls blush. Inevitably the phone bill will arrive, as it does every few months. I will not be around when it does. In fact I will not be around much at all. Today I am going to rescue Jude from herself. She does not sleep or eat or go to lectures, and has lost her bank card chopping cocaine into lines. It will be amazing, when you come, she says, we will take lots of drugs and make human pyramids with our bodies. As an afterthought, and then we will go and see the Blake exhibition.


After this I will visit a friend with a broken leg. I have never had a friend with a broken leg before. Shall I take grapes? Once I have visited my friend with a broken leg, and her dogs, I continue my love affair with National Express and see Joe in Glasgow. He has a new place in the West End. I have missed Irn Bru. More train love to London, where the Varsity boat race is happening, a mere  excuse to sit outside pubs on the Thames for a day. Followed by a week staying at Oma’s in Darmstadt with Chrisie.


It is nice to have a life again. I almost do not feel guilty lurking around eating boiled eggs in my pjs and talking to Dodo. Only I do have a train to catch.

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